The Black Kuhli Loach, scientifically known as Pangio Kuhlii, is a captivating and slender freshwater loach prized for its striking black coloration and unique behavior. Originating from Southeast Asia, particularly Indonesia and Malaysia, these loaches are popular among aquarists for their peaceful temperament, nocturnal activity, and scavenging behavior. With proper care, Black Kuhli Loaches can thrive in aquariums and become delightful additions to community setups.
Water Conditions:
Temperature: 24-28°C
pH: Slightly acidic to neutral, ideally between 6.5 and 7.5
Hardness: Soft to moderately hard water, with a general hardness (GH) of 5-15 dGH
Filtration: Efficient filtration is important to maintain water quality and oxygenation. Provide gentle water flow to mimic their natural habitat.